- Mineral Types
- Magical properties
- Blue or Sapphire Agate
- Black or magic agate
- Green agate
- Agate and zodiac signs
Without exaggeration, the stone of agate can be called the stone of happiness. According to one of the versions, the name of the mineral comes from the Greek “ahates” - good, happy, kind. This interpretation, according to many of its owners for more than one century, most accurately reflects the amazing properties of this gem.
The ancient Egyptians endowed agate with magical qualities, while the priests cleared the room of evil spirits with it. The ancient Greeks believed that stone brings good luck in all undertakings, strengthens the spirit and health, harmonizes all spheres of life of its owner. And medieval alchemists, healers, healers were convinced that the mineral ground into powder could serve as the strongest antidote for poisoning, as well as an effective remedy for fever. This is only a small part of all unique properties attributed to agate, which is not a number, as well as the diversity of its species found in nature. They number in the hundreds. And each of them is uniquely beautiful.
Mineral Types
Distinguishing agate from other semi-precious minerals is quite simple. The slice consists of alternating layers that look like stripes of several colors: most often brightly saturated with translucent light milky lines. If the layers are painted strictly in two colors and are arranged in parallel, this “grade” is called onyx . From it, as the legends say, the throne of the wisest of kings, Solomon, was laid out.
The most spectacular are the specimens, slices of which adorn the concentric layers located around the center - the "pupil". Because of their similarity to the eye, they are called “eyeglasses,” “eye” or “eye of the Creator.” Just such stones considered in antiquity the most effective amulets against dark forces. Rare specimens with two or three "eyes" on the cut are valuable - diophthalmos and triophthalmos. The description of the latter contains Homer's Odyssey, where Penelope's fiancé gives her a "pair of earrings with three eyes."
No less mysterious and outlandish are "moss", dendritic (from the Greek. "Dendron" - tree) or landscape agates. Thanks to the blotches chaotically scattered in a translucent base, whimsically curved lines create amazingly beautiful pictures of nature. Stones of a milky color with a pattern are called frosty. And those whose patterns resemble a city landscape or fortifications, are bastion ones. In accordance with the color emit rainbow, fiery, cloudy. The natural palette of agate covers all colors of the rainbow and their shades. Although the most common color - the alternation of gray, blue-gray, brown layers with white. There are instances of relatively monochromatic color.
Such a "many-sidedness" is explained by the complex structure of minerals belonging to fine-fibrous chalcedony interspersed with most often quartz. Scientists still have not come to a common opinion on how exactly the tricky process of formation of agate deposits takes place, which, however, does not prevent it from being one of the most popular in the production of jewelry. In addition, the prevalence of deposits located in many countries around the world, makes its price quite affordable.
Magical properties 
All the magical properties attributed to agate are inherent in each of its countless varieties to one degree or another. But each has its own priority "area of responsibility." White and black, for example, are considered the most effective amulets. Red and pink "curate", first of all, the love direction, as well as good luck in gambling. Mokhovaya protects against the machinations of enemies and detractors. Gray - is called the stone of justice, capable of leading a dishonest person to clean water. Green - the best defender of the house. And blue is great for the role of muse for creative people. Let us consider in more detail the description of such shades of stone as blue, black, green.
Blue or Sapphire Agate
The magical properties of this mineral support inspiration. He brings peace in relationships, harmony in the soul, clarity in thought, gives confidence in his own abilities.
Blue agate personifies longevity and prosperity in business. Protects from rash acts, decisions. Smoothes outbursts of anger, conflicts. Gives the owner courage.
Medicinal properties, like magic, are characteristic of all types of agate. But the blue "gifted" by them. Its effect has a positive effect on the functioning of the lymphatic, endocrine systems. Helps to cope with diseases of the shoulder girdle, throat, as well as injuries of the joints.
Black or magic agate
Stones with less or more dark impurities are called black, because completely Agates colored in this color practically do not exist in nature. Perhaps this is the reason why they are endowed with special magical power.
One of the beliefs argues that the owner of black agate, neither more nor less, can become master of the dark forces. To those who do not claim the title of "mistress of the sea", but wants to develop, for example, the gift of foresight, the properties of black agate will also provide invaluable help. According to knowledgeable people, to establish a connection with the subtle worlds, it is necessary every day for at least fifteen minutes to focus on the stone. Until the clear outlines of some images begin to appear from the air: colors, trees, etc., a sign that the contact with the stone is established.
In everyday life, black agate, above all, is an effective talisman against the evil eye, damage, evil spirits. Strengthens will power, relationships with relatives, material well-being. It is also a kind of indicator of the spiritual and physical condition of its owner. If you feel unwell for a long time, or if you are in disagreement with yourself, the stone grows dull and becomes dull. When the black mineral wears an internally balanced, harmonious person, new patterns appear on it.
Green agate
They say that green agate was valued by Alexander of Macedon, considering him a "protector" of the conquerors, pioneers. It really enhances the sense of self-preservation, facilitates adaptation to new life circumstances, conditions. And also the green gem spreads its magical properties to the strengthening and improvement of family relations. Helps in finding true friends. Since its main purpose is to guard the house, it is recommended to put a stone under the threshold. As a "doctor" green agate will help improve vision, stop smoking.
Agate and zodiac signs
Many people, when choosing a jewel from one or another stone, are guided by its astrological characteristic. Who is the gem with such a variety of amazing properties on the horoscope?
Agate refers to the stones "friendly": any sign of the zodiac can "let in" it in its life. By the way, he gives a positive attitude in communication to the owners, along with oratory. But It is worth noting that none of the signs of the zodiac can not carry it constantly. It is believed that agate can accumulate negative emotions. Therefore, it is desirable from time to time to remove it for "cleaning".
The one whose zodiac sign is Aries can choose any color of the mineral, provided that it is framed in silver metal to sharpen mental abilities.
The “favorites” of agate are Taurus. This zodiac sign is better to choose white color, which will “smooth out” negative manifestations of character. And he will give health, success in business and well-being in his personal life.
The sign Gemini is also one of the chosen ones of the miraculous influence of the gem on all spheres of life. To do this, you must wear agate in a frame of silver.
The lucky ones include the Crayfish, whom the multicolored mineral will help to recuperate, to set things right on the love front.
Virgo zodiac sign can also count on "assistance" in finding the second half.
Scales colorful "magician" will help to preserve and increase health.
And Scorpios and Pisces, if they get agate, you can count on conflict-free and mutual understanding in the family. The best choice is in favor of blue shades.
A lion can “recharge” from the stone with energy, gain prudence and worldly wisdom.
The sign Sagittarius, having acquired a talisman of purple color, will strengthen imagination and creative abilities.
And Capricorns and Aquarius with the help of agate will reveal the best sides of their nature.
Here it is, stone agate. Truly inexhaustible storehouse of useful properties and endless aesthetic pleasure! (See also - Agate for signs of the zodiac )
Who is the gem with such a variety of amazing properties on the horoscope?