- Ferro-concrete rings
- Conclusion
- The area of the ring, expressed through the outer and inner radii
- The area of the ring, expressed through the outer and inner diameters
- The area of the ring, expressed through the average radius and width of the ring
- Varieties of well parts
- Calculation of the supporting element of reinforced concrete
- Conclusion
This question is more often visited by those who are associated with the construction, repair or arrangement of suburban areas, but it also happens that an ordinary man in the street has to look for an answer. In our article we will try to help you with this, tell you not only about the formulas and calculations themselves, but talk a little about the concrete rings themselves.
Ferro-concrete rings
Varieties of concrete products for wells
We give the parameters of all types of manufactured rings for clarity (the parameters will be described in the following order - height, wall thickness, internal diameter and weight):
Note! Marking COP means the following - wall ring.
- KS-7-1, 10 cm, 8 cm, 70 cm, 46 kg.
- KS-7-1,5; 15 cm, 8 cm, 70 cm, 68 kg.
- KS-7-3, 30 cm, 8 cm, 70 cm, 140 kg.
- KS-7-5, 50 cm, 8 cm, 70 cm, 230 kg.
- KS-7-6, 60 cm, 8 cm, 70 cm, 250 kg.
- KS-7-9, 90 cm, 8 cm, 70 cm, 410 kg.
Pay attention to the presence of reinforced ears for products weighing more than 100 kilograms.
A product marked, for example, KS-10-6 is called a fully wall ring with dimensions:
- Height-60 cm.
- The inner diameter is 100 cm.
There are products with the marking KO (ring support), these products are found in the following version:
- KO-6, height-7 cm, inner diameter - 58 cm, outer diameter - 84 cm, weight - 60 kg.
Another modification is the lining of wells under the hatch (ring K 1a, the concrete volume of which is calculated according to the parameters listed below):
- K - 1a, height -18 cm, inner diameter - 58 cm, outer diameter - 100 cm, weight - 160 kg.
PP labeling means - floor slab
Additional products allow you to more accurately adjust the height of the well, in some cases, leveling with the ground, in others - making them more visible. Mounting lining concrete elements on the well cover plate will help raise the hatch above its surface.
Due to this, it is excluded:
- Leakage of rain and melt water in the well.
- Hitting vehicles on the hatch if the well is located under the roadway.
- Flooding of the hatch itself.
One of the important parameters of such a product is the volume of the concrete ring - 1 cubic meter, this is the unit of measurement for all such calculations.
Tip! Often you may stumble upon ads for the sale of used concrete products, including wall supports for the well, our advice to you is to study the goods before buying. In particular, inspect the inner walls, on which irregularities and different shades of concrete can be seen (unfair sellers fix cracks).
We hope that the above instructions will help you find the right answer to your question. If there are any difficulties in this process, you can always use the free electronic calculator, which can be found on the Internet.
In the presented videos in this article you will find additional information on this topic.
A ring is a flat geometric figure, which is a part of a plane between two circles with a common center, but having a different radius.
The area of the ring, expressed through the outer and inner radii
Let a circle of radius R and a circle of radius r be given. And R> r. Let's combine the centers of these circles. The figure enclosed between these circles will be a ring in which R is the outer radius, r is the inner radius.
Then the area of this figure will be equal to the difference between a large radius and an area of a circle with a smaller radius.
The area of a circle with radius r is expressed by the formula:
The area of a circle with radius R is expressed by the formula:
Then the area of the ring will be equal to:
Thus, the area of the ring is equal to the product of the number of the difference of the squares of the outer and inner radii:
An example of calculating the area of a ring, if its radii are known.
Find the area of the ring if its outer radius is 3 and the inner one is 2
The area of the ring, expressed through the outer and inner diameters
Sometimes when solving problems it is more convenient to use the ring area formula, expressed in terms of the inner and outer diameters.
Let D be the outer diameter of the ring, d be the inner diameter of the ring, then:
Express the radius through the diameter. We have:
The area of the ring is calculated by the formula:
Substituting the radii expressed in diameter, we obtain:
Thus, the area of the ring is equal to a quarter of the product of the number by the difference of the squares of the outer and inner diameters:
An example of calculating the area of a ring, if its diameters are known.
Find the area of the ring if its outer diameter is 10 and the inner diameter is 6
The area of the ring is calculated by the formula:
Substituting the values from the problem condition, we have:
The area of the ring, expressed through the average radius and width of the ring
Let k - the width of the ring, which is the difference between the larger and smaller radius, that is, k = Rr is the average radius of the ring, equal to
The area of the ring is calculated by the formula:
Applying the formula of the difference of squares, we have:
But rr = k, but
We substitute the right sides of the equality into the square ring formula.
We get:
The area of the ring is equal to twice the product of the number of the average radius and the width of the ring.
Rings are made of reinforced concrete most often when arranging land plots. Often, owners of suburban areas have to make a ring with their own hands. To do this, you need to know the formulas by which the calculation is made, the features of concrete products. Products manufactured for the well are labeled according to the requirements of state standards. Marking is a symbol indicated on the rings by which information on the size and mass of materials can be identified.
For each concrete product , released according to the requirements of state standards, there are tests that allow to confirm the quality, the declared performance characteristics and the resistance of products to the effects of negative factors. When summarizing the experts take into account water resistance, frost resistance, moisture absorption, compressive strength.
Rings of reinforced concrete are special products intended for the arrangement of wells used in water supply systems, as well as diversion of water. The easiest way is to entrust the work on the sewer system of a private house to one of the firms. However, it is necessary to calculate in advance how much it will take. If you want to save money, you can make a sewer, which will be based on a concrete ring, on your own. Production of such products is carried out at enterprises in compliance with state standards. When creating high-quality materials are used, KCD. Production of products involves the use of special forms of concrete and reinforcement, the diameter of which should not exceed ten millimeters.
On reinforced concrete building materials of this type there is a marking that determines their purpose and size. If we talk about how to calculate the cost of a product, for this it is important to take into account the volume of rings. The higher this indicator, the more expensive the material.
Varieties of well parts

Well bottom KCD 10a.
Well Bottom КЦД 10а - a necessary part of the assembly septic tank. The durability of the product depends on the quality of their manufacture and correct installation. The bottom of the KCD 10a is produced in the form of a monolithic slab of reinforced concrete with several special loops. On sale are bottoms of different diameters. Bottom KCD 10a produced according to an approved standard. Dimensions of KCD are designed so that the bottom can withstand the load of fluid that accumulates in the tank. In this case, producers take into account the possible mobility of the soil and the impact of groundwater. KCD are selected according to the diameter of other well parts - rings KTs, covers, etc.
Examples of parameters of several types of rings KC (height and weight of products KS):
- KS-7-1; ten centimeters, forty six kilograms;
- KS-7-1,5; fifteen centimeters, sixty-eight kilograms;
- KS-7-3; thirty centimeters, one hundred forty kilograms;
- KS-7-5; fifty centimeters, two hundred thirty kilograms.
Materials KS, KTs, the weight of which exceeds one hundred kilograms, must have special ears. A product that is marked, for example, KC10-6, is called wall. Sales can also see materials with the designation KO6 (support ring). Products marked KO6, has a height of seven centimeters, internal diameter - fifty-eight cm, bun. diameter - eighty-four cm, weight - sixty kg. Support products K06 are also used when working on the sites.
Concrete KC (KO6, KS10) make it possible to more accurately determine the height of the tank. You can align it with the ground or make the rings above the soil level. Installation of concrete parts on a special plate will allow to raise the well hatch. Due to this, it will be possible to eliminate the entry of thawed rainwater and flooding the hatch. Important for the calculations for KC are the volumes of the rings. Cubic meter is the basic unit of measurement.
Calculation of the supporting element of reinforced concrete

Parameters for calculating the volume concrete rings .
To determine the parameters for the production of well elements and other parts made of reinforced concrete, it is necessary to first calculate the cost of their production. For the calculations, you will need the initial data: the indicator of the volume of the concrete mix to create rings, well bottom, cover; the total consumption of reinforcement and the number of reinforcing mesh for each element. The consumption of concrete solution on well ring determined as follows:
- First of all, you should write out the parameters.
- Then calculate the area of a circle (outer diameter). To do this, use the counting formula (¼ P d2). P denotes 3.14, d - nar. diameter. It is necessary to convert the numbers to the value of the meter.
- After that, using the above formula, calculate the area of a circle (inner diameter).
- The area of a concrete product is determined as follows: from the value of the area of a circle with a bunk. diameter subtract the area of a circle with int. dia.
- To determine the volume, you need to multiply the height and area.
If you have difficulty counting, you can resort to using a calculator.
Septic tanks, tunnels, systems for the removal of liquids are the main construction objects, during installation of which rings made of concrete are used. These elements are widely used in the field of the device of well tanks for various purposes.
A ring is a geometric figure that has an outer radius R and an inner radius r with a common center. In everyday life, rings are rarely encountered, as they are necessary elements of many technical devices used by almost everyone. More often with the rings are dealt engineers and designers, creating all kinds of machines, components and assemblies.
Calculate the area of the ring
Find the area of the ring by the formula:
S = π (R 2 - r 2)
R is the radius of the outer circumference
r is the radius of the inner circle
S is the ring area
π - 3.14
The shape of the rings have washers, which are elements of fasteners that are installed between the heads of bolts or nuts and fastened products in order to increase the area of fit, as well as to prevent spontaneous unscrewing. If it is required in this or that case to calculate or select for installation in a product exactly that washer which is necessary, designers need, among other things, to find the area of a ring . These parts are most often made of steel, non-ferrous metals or plastics and may have both a flat and special surface. In the second case, the washers are made of spring steel, called spring washers, which serve to prevent the loosening of threaded joints during shaking and vibrations.
Oils were also widely used in technology. They are intended to ensure the sealing of connections in pipelines through which gases or liquids are transported, as well as in pneumatic and hydraulic units. They are installed in the joints of various parts and due to their elasticity they are very tight to the surfaces between which they are located. The most common material for the manufacture of sealing rings is rubber of various grades and compositions, as well as some special types of plastics.
Virtually all modern internal combustion engines have in their design such important elements as piston rings . These parts are needed in order to achieve the necessary degree of compression in the combustion chamber and are located between the pistons and the walls of the cylinders. Since they experience constant friction during the operation of power units, they eventually wear out and require replacement. Piston rings are most often made of high-quality gray cast iron.
Another type of rings are retaining rings . They are used to fix various mechanical parts and are almost always installed in grooves specially machined for them. Most often, locking rings can be found on the shafts, but often they are also located in the body of parts. Depending on the location, they are divided into those that are designed for the shaft and those that are mounted in the holes, and as for the material used to manufacture these parts, it is most often steel. After installation on its “legal” place, the retaining ring is usually slightly opened and its end surfaces prevent the parts from moving relative to each other.